Client Business Questionnaires
First Name
Business Name
Email Address
Contact Number
Website URL
What is your Business about and how did you start it ?
What are the Goals and objectives you want to achieve through paid marketing ?
Which Product / Service you want to promote through Paid marketing ?
What are the Ad platforms you are looking to target ?
What is your Ad Budget on a monthly basis ?
What is your Target Audience Interest ?
What is your Target Audience behavior?
What is your Target Audience age?
What is your Target Audience Location?
What is your Target Audience Gender?
What is your Target Audience Job or Business Profile?
What are the Keywords you want to target ?
What is the Average ticket size ? (What is the price when one lead converts for you)
How are you currently getting clients and from which channels?
Which channel is bringing you the most Sales/Leads ?
Who are your competitors ?
What is the Unit Economics of your product ? (Such as manufacturing cost, Marketing cost, Margin)
What Percentage of your product price is kept for marketing spend ?
Did you run ads in the past and what was the performance ?
Please share the name of your competitors
What is the specialty of your Business that separates us from competitors?
What are the Brand & Service USPs ?
What is your Business Tagline ?
Do you have testimonials from existing clients ?
Want to outsource
Do you have your own graphic designer team ?
Want to outsource
Do you have your own social media team ?
Want to outsource
Do you have your own website Developer?
Want to outsource
Submit Your Answers